Consultant Nutritionist Michael Walne is a passionate Public Health Nutritionist, devoted husband, and loving father of four.
Family life can be very demanding. Ours is an age of information and distraction; filled with so many voices, often speaking in opposition. Michael is a voice of reason and truth he aims to simplify health. Given that health is as dynamic as we are this can lead to confusion. This is why many of his clients define health according to their ill-health, and seek specifics to heal this or that ail. Michael knows nutrition can do this. Yet both his professional experience and his ongoing studies reveal the most important part of the picture for all, no matter what the health issue, is to optimise gut health.
it is no mere cornerstone, it is the entire foundation of health. Any illness is lessened if we improve our gut health. In fact, studies show just how far-reaching gut health is: integral to our immune system; our mental health; and in fact every system of the body. So, all of Michael’s clients are shown how to navigate away from the problem food, towards those solution foods. For studies show that the greater the diversity of nature in ones diet, the greater the gut health. Seeking nature is the road towards greater, lifelong health.
Throughout his time in private practice, particularly working with families, one issue has repeatedly become apparent – the strain that today’s busy lifestyle can place on parents’ trying to make the ‘right’ choices for their children’s health and well-being. We are constantly bombarded by messages about how to be healthy with little clarity as to how we can achieve this in day-to-day life. Michael’s message is clear: seek nature whenever possible, seek to heal from the inside out, and look after your gut!